Hot Stones for Yoga
Online Course
Hot Stone Training
for Yoga Teachers
Learn how to incorporate the healing benefits of Hot Stones into your yoga offerings!
Free preview lesson is available when you sign in on course page.
Course page gives you all the details on what's included with Hot Stone Training for Yoga Teachers online course
Yoga Teachers of all styles and practices can learn how to incorporate hot or heated stones into their yoga offerings. Course benefits include:
Advance your healing skills and knowledge by learning to use Hot Stones in combination with yoga
Learn how to bring a healing focus to your classes and create sacred space with the warmth from Hot Stones
Generate income by expanding your repertoire with new types of classes and clientele​
Combine yoga and Hot Stones with other modalities: e.g., Reiki, Aromatherapy, Sound Therapy, or Meditation
Extensive experience and a unique training opportunity
Heather offers this comprehensive and enlightening learning opportunity to grow your yoga business
Combined with her depth of wisdom and experience as a Reiki Master, Meditation Teacher and Yoga Instructor, Heather has naturally integrated her knowledge of human anatomy and physiology from her massage therapy training into her online course: Hot Stone Training for Yoga Teachers. She has developed this training course to help interested yoga teachers with all aspects of Basalt hot stone use from choosing and purchasing stones, to heating, cleaning and maintaining the stones, to safe and confident placement on the body. Heather is excited to offer this easy-to-use, work-at-your-own-pace video course. She knows you won’t be disappointed in the new skills you’ll develop, nor in the added joy, healing and relaxation you’ll soon be able to offer your own students!